SELECTED WRITINGS ON/Online publications and presentations.

Please contact artist for a CV. 

[Note: some texts are included in the texts/interview page on website. Click here]


2023  Group Psychosis, interview by Lydia Wilford, Tank Magazine.  
 That Monster over There: Silvia Kolbowski, Trump, and Allegory, by Ivan Knapp, 
2022  Montaging, Archiving, Revealing, by Lara Holenweger, in 
 Brand-New-Life journal.
2020  When even good news worsens a panic in Rent Strike, compiled by Dennis Brzek, E-flux
 Silvia Kolbowski: Interview, by Dennis Brzek, Arts of the Working Class
           Silvia Kolbowski, That Monster: An Allegory, by Sasha Archibald, The White Review,  January.
2019                         Alphabetic Memes: ... in the Age of Trump, by Emily Apter, October 170                     
2018  Reign of the White Glove, by Jeffrey Stuker. Effects, No. 1, January 2018.
2017  In vitro @Bodega, by Anne Doran.
 Critics' Picks, Artforum, by Travis Diehl
 Digital archive for Take it or Leave it exhibition at the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. 
 Text on contribution by Ruth Erickson. 
2016          "Elke kunstenaar is een ontwerper. Pleidooi voor een ontwerpkritische praktijk," by 
 Max Bruinsma, in Kunst-Kritiek in Een Tijd Van Vervagende Grenzen, 
 Over engagement, design en commercie 1989-2015. Edited by Annemarie Kok. 
 NAI010 Publishers.
         an inadequate history of conceptual art, Institute national d'histoire de l'art, 
 Department of Study and Research, Johanne Lamoureux, Director. [catalogue of exhibition.]
2015  "Who is a friend," Vanessa Gravenor.
2014                  An interview with Silvia Kolbowski, by Chrysanne Stathacos and Susan Silas. MOMMY (Nov)
2013"The Inadequate Archive: Ethical Remaking in Silvia Kolbowski's After Hiroshima mon Amour," by David Jones, French Cultural Studies, November.
Bijoux Creatrice: An example of recent work may be seen in the windows of Harry Winston, Inc. from approximately 4:47 p.m. to 5:04 p.m., Monday-Saturday, November 19-December 15, 1990; A retrospective account of the 1990 art work by Silvia Kolbowski, Provence Magazine, issue E, edited by Tobias Kaspar and Hannes Loichinger. weblink
Art Since 1980: Charting the Contemporary by Peter Kalb, Laurence King Publishing (Prentice Hall in U.S.).  
2012The Art of Seeing with the Eyes of a Terrorist, by R.M.Vaugn, The Globe and Mail, May 18.
Touche bis a Chatou by Marie Lechner, Liberation, 29/30 December, Paris.  
"Sympathy for the Devil, Julian Stallabrass interviews Silvia Kolbowski," Lalit Kala Contemporary 54.
"War and Sex, Translation in the work of Silvia Kolbowski," by Leah Werier, Line Magazine,web link
Occupy Derivatives!/Politics "smallest p" by Emily Apter, October 142, Fall     
2011In Conversation, SILVIA KOLBOWSKI with Emily Apter, The Brooklyn Rail, October.(web link
"The Difference Problem:Art History and the Critical Legacy of 1980s Theoretical Feminism," by Kate Mondloch, Art Journal 71:2.
The Deconstructive Impulse, Neuberger Museum of Art and DelMonico Books, Exhibition Catalogue. Edited by Nancy Pricenthal.
"Flashforward: The Future is Now," by Patricia Pisters, Deleuze Studies, 5, supplement "Deleuzian Futures."  
2010"Silvia Kolbowski" in Hiroshima After Iraq, Three Studies in Art and War, by Rosalyn Deutsche, Columbia University Press
"Indirect Speech," by Antonia Hirsch. Fillip (issue 11).
"Models of Intervention: A Discussion between Michèle Thériault and Silvia Kolbowski," San Francisco Art Institute, MFA Graduate Exhibition Catalogue. Introduction by Renee Green.
"Hiroshima After Iraq," by Rosalyn Deutsche, October 131 (Winter) 
2009"Allegorical Imperative:Silvia Kolbowski's 'After Hiroshima Mon Amour'," by Rachel Kushner, Artforum, January.
"Models of Intervention: A discussion between Michèle Thériault and Silvia Kolbowski", Nothing and Everything, Silvia Kolbowski, Rien et Tout, (Catalogue; Galerie  Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University) English and French. 
"The Work of Mourning- Silvia Kolbowski's 'After Hiroshima Mon Amour,'" by Luiza Nader. (Catalogue essay, After Hiroshima Mon Amour, Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009)
Temporal Dissonances: Silvia Kolbowski's After Hiroshima Mon Amour, by Maud C. Jacquin (Catalogue text for Our Time: Video Screening Project, Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico, Lisbon.)
"Hearing the 'Other'? Alterity, (Mis)Recognition and the 'Voice' in the Work of Silvia Kolbowski and Krystof Wodicko," by Henrietta Stanford, MA Dissertation, Courtauld Institute, London (Prof. Mignon Nixon, Advisor)
2008Book Review: Silvia Kolbowski and Walid Raad, by Lyra Kilston, Modern Painters, May 2008.               
"After and Before," by Christopher Bedford. Frieze #119 (November/December) (
"f I ruled d wrld," (artist's project); Introduction by Christopher Bedford, X-tra, Vol. 11, No. 1.
"The Art of Non-indifference," by Rosalyn Deutsche, in The Artist as Public Intellectual?,  Publications of the Academy of fine Arts, Vienna, and Schlegrugge Editor, Vienna.
2007"Memories of Hi/stories or Derisive-Inadequate Ethico-Political Failures," by Ana Balona de Sa Oliveira, MA Dissertation, Courtauld Institute, London (Prof. Mignon Nixon, Advisor) (web link)
"Luiza Nader Interviews Silvia Kolbowski," Center for Contemporary Culture, Warsaw (catalogue)
"Remade in Silence: Silvia Kolbowski's A Film Will Be Shown without the Sound" by Bliss Cua Lim, Art Journal, Fall, vol. 66, no. 3, pp85-87.
2006"She-Fox," by Mignon Nixon, Women Artists at the Millenium (MIT Press) 
2005"Kunst Mode Architektur ­ Entfaltungen und Begrenzungen. Zu einem Projekt von Silvia Kolbowski und Peter Eisenman für Comme des Garçons," by Theresa Georgen. Frauen Kunst Wissenschaft, No 40, December
"On the Couch," by Mignon Nixon, October (Summer)
2004"Navigating the New Territory: Art, Avatars, and the Contemporary Mediascape, by David Joselit, Artforum (Summer 2005)
"Five Paragraphs on Sol Lewitt," by Juli Carson, artUS, issue 8 (June)
"Inadequacy," by Rosalyn Deutsche, inadequate...Like...Power, (Secession, Vienna, and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Cologne) English and German.
"Oral Histories: Silvia Kolbowski and the Dynanics of Transference," by Mignon Nixon, inadequate...Like...Power, (Secession, Vienna, and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Cologne) English and German.
"Not only on the Wall: Silvia Kolbowski: Art as Discourse, by Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, inadequate...Like...Power, (Secession, Vienna, and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Cologne) English and German.
"Hal Foster interviews Silvia Kolbowski," inadequate...Like...Power, (Secession, Vienna, and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Cologne) English and German.
"Recoding the public sphere," Roland Schony, SKVG Journal fur Musik, #61
"Silvia Kolbowski: inadequate...Like...Power," Ursula Maria Probst, Kunstforum International #173
"theorie in Progress," Rainer Metzger, artmagazine (September 20) (web link)        
"Wenn das Es einkaufen geht,"by Johanna Hofleitner, Die Presse, September 21 (web link)        
"Best of 2004/Books," Artforum, December, pp.47/50         
"Like the Differance Between Art and the Commodity; Like the Differance Between a Life and a Lifestyle. Silvia Kolbowski and Peter Eisenman's 1995 Project with Comme des Garcons," by Christopher Townsend, in Fashion on the Edge (SUN Publishers/Artez Modelectoraat, Amsterdam).
2002Rapture, by Christopher Townsend (Thames + Hudson, London)
"Interview/Silvia Kolbowski - a conversation with Nada Beros," (this link is no longer active; please contact artist for copy.)

L'Altra meta dello squardo, il contributo delle donne alla storia della fotografia, Nicoletta Leonardi, ed. Agora Editrice (in Italian)
Weekend Update by Walter Robinson.
"Contemporary Returns to Conceptual Art: Renee Green, Siliva Kolbowski, and Stephen Prina," Simon Leung, Art Journal (Summer 2001)
2000"The Reanimators," Alan M oore,   , Ben Baer, July 20        
The Whitney Biennial, The Whitney Museum of Contemporary Art, catalogue
1999"Silvia Kolbowski at American Fine Arts," Art in America (December)
"Silvia Kolbowski," by Alexander Alberro, Artforum (December)
"Silvia Kolbowski," by Roberta Smith, The New York Times (October 8)

1997"Closed Circuit," by Reinhold Martin, Texte zur Kunst 28 (November)
"Silvia Kolbowski, "Closed Circuit, Time Out New York
1996 "Project: Holocaust Memorial, Vienna," ANY 15
1995"Mesa Vanguardism and Soho Alterations," by Joshua Decter, Flash Art 185 (November/December)
"Just Looking," by Henry Urbach, The Village Voice (June 6)
"Sacrality and Aura in the Museum: Mute Objects and Articulate Space," by Joan R. Branham, The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 52/53
1993"The Unconventional as a Convention," by Herbert Muschamp, The NYT  (May 28, C18)
"Gender Studies: Feminismus und Kunst," by Sabeth Buchmann, Zitty (Jan.21-Feb.3)
"Theorie der Praxis und Praxis der Theorie," by Martin Beck, Texte zur Kunst 9 (March)
"Underlining the Legend of the Gallery Space," by Johanne Lamoureux, October 65
"Silvia Kolbowski at Postmasters," Art in America no. 1 (January)
"Once more, with feeling Already," October 65
1992"The Gallery is the Message," by Roberta Smith, The New York Times (October 4)
Review, Artforum (November)        
Review, Art Issues (November)
Review, Forum International (December)        
Review, Art in America (January)
Review, Art Presse (Summer)        
Silvia Kolbowski, XI Projects (New York: Border Editions)
"Silvia Kolbowski," in "Goings on About Town," The New Yorker, Oct. 12
1991Silvia Kolbowski," by Josefina Ayerza, Lacanian Ink 3
"Blickens Tillintetgorelse," by Irene Berggren, Bildtidningen 4
1990New Directions, essay by Sam Hunter (S. Bitter-Larkin Gallery, catalogue)
1989"Subtle Ways to Eat your Cake and Have It Too," by Roberta Smith, The New York Times (October 8)
Review, Artforum (November)
Review, Arts (February)
Review, Flash Art (February/March)
Review, Art in America (April)
The Desire of the Museum (The Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown at Federal Plaza, catalogue)
"Artist's Book Beat," by Nancy Princenthal, The Print Collector's Newsletter (March/April)
"Folio, Artist's Publications," by Barbara Moore, Artforum
The Photography of Invention (The National Museum of American Art, MIT Press, catalogue)
1988Modes of Address (New York: The Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown at Federal Reserve Plaza, catalogue)
Perverted by Language, by Robert Nickas (Hillwood Art Gallery, catalogue)
"Language in Art Since 1960," by Tom Hardy, Galleries (August/September)
"Reading Messages in Conceptualism Exhibition," by Roberta Smith, The New York Times (September 2)
"Discourse of Another Color," by Katherine Dieckmann, The Village Voice (March 22)
1987Review, The New York Times (July 10)
Review, New Art Examiner (February)
This is not a Photograph (Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, catalogue)
"Dialogue with Jane Weinstock," m/f (January)   
"How Wide is the Gender Gap," by Eleanor Heartney, Artnews (Summer)
Thought Objects (New York: DEPA and JAA Press)
Review, The New York Times (Long Island Supplement, March 1)
1986Review, The New York Times (December 12)
"Post Modernism in the East Village," by Warren S. Neidlich, Cliches 25
The Rules of the Game, by Judith Barter and Anne Mochon (Mead Art Museum, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, catalogue)
"Difference: On Representation and Sexuality," by Margaret Iverson, m/f, 11/12.
1985"Ex-posing the Female Model," Kate Linker, Parachute (Fall)
"New York Show Examines Sexuality and Persuasion," RobertL.Pincus, The Los Angeles Times (January 27)
"Posing," by Craig Owens, in Difference (New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, catalogue)
"Representation and Sexuality," by Kate Linker, Art after Modernism (The New Museum of Contemporary Art; New York, David R. Godine, Boston)
Review, Arts (June)
"Difference in America," by Paul Smith, Art in America (April)
"Les Femmes Artistes et la Photographie," New York Creation
1984Eluding Definition," by Kate Linker, Artforum (December)
1983Review, Arts (March)
"The Stolen Image and its Uses," by Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Lightwork Contact Sheet (February)
1982"In Lieu of Essence," by Joan Copjec, Block 7
"what was the right answer," by David Shapiro, New York Arts Journal (March)
1980Review, Artnews (September)
Review, Soho Weekly News (March)
Catalogue, P.S. One (Fall/Winter)




Contribution on site-specificity in Out of Place, publication for Skulptur Projekte Munster, Spring 2017. [Distributed by frieze.] [also on texts/interviews page of this website.]
 "This is not an oral history: an inadequate archive of Conceptual Art." [Forthcoming publication by Ecole superieure des beaux-arts, Angers, and CNEAI, Paris.]
2012The Social Artwork, Matthew Friday, David Joselit, Silvia Kolbowski, October 142, Fall
2011"A Project," contribution to compilation on the subject , coordinated by Christopher Bedford, Art Journal (March)
Response to four questions, CCC Newsletter #9, Geneva University of Art and Design
2010Dear Silvia...July 2009. Fillip (issue 11), and in podcast form: (web link)
"Scapes: A conversation between Silvia Kolbowski and Joanna Merwood," 20/20: Editorial Takes on Architectural Discourse, edited by Kirk Wooller (AA Publications, London)
2009"Two in One", e-flux journal #4, March 2009 (web link
"When Even Good News Worsens a Panic" (web link)
2008"f I ruled d wrld," (artist's project); Introduction by Christopher Bedford, X-tra, Vol. 11, No. 1. 
"Before After Hiroshima Mon Amour," Farimani (Winter)
"With what should the artist be satisfied?" in The Artist as Public Intellectual?,  Publications of the Academy of fine Arts, Vienna, and Schlegrugge Editor, Vienna.
2007 "Dziennik widza Burena," Sekcja, May 2007 (web link)
"After Hiroshima Mon Amour" Art Journal, Fall, vol. 66, no. 3, pp80-84.
2006 "Between Artists," in collaboration with Walid Raad, A.R.T. Press        
"Diary of a Buren Spectator," October 115 (Winter)        
"Diario de una espectadora de Buren," Otra Parte (Spring/number 9)
2005"Diary of a Buren Spectator," Texte zur Kunst (Fall), 138-143.
2002October 100, "Obsolescence, a special issue" (Spring)
"Interview/Silvia Kolbowski - a conversation with Nada Beros," (this link is no longer active; please contact artist for copy.)
2001"Contemporary Returns to Conceptual Art: Renee Green, Silvia Kolbowski, and Stephen Prina," Art Journal  (Summer)
2000"an inadequate history of conceptual art," October 92 (project)
1999"some of everything you've ever wanted to know about parasite...," Documents, (Winter)
1998"was sie schon immer uber Parasite wissen wollen...," Texte zur Kunst (Fall)
1997"Homeboy Cosmopolitan: Manthia Diawara interviewed by Silvia Kolbowski," October 83
"The MOMA Expansion: A Conversation with Terrence Riley," October 84
1996"Fringe Benefits," Eleven Authors in Search of a Building (New York: The Monacelli Press,Inc. and the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning, University of Cincinnati
"Like the difference between Autumn/Winter '94/'95 and Spring/Summer '95," October 74 (project, with Peter Eisenman)
"Centerfold," Any 16 (project)
1995"Facture/Faction: form and discontent in contemporary art," VIEWS (Summer)
"feminist issueS," October 71 (special editor)
"Further Thoughts on Helke Sanders' Project," October 72 (roundtable discussion)
1994"The Reception of the Sixties," October 69 (roundtable discussion)
1993"Letter from Venice," ANY 3
"The Politics of the Signifier," October 66 (roundtable discussion)
"Once more, with feeling...Already," October 65 (project)
1992"Practices: The Problem of Divisions of Cultural Labor," Acme Magazine 2
1991"Enlarged from the Catalogue: Michael Asher...," Lacanian Ink 3 (project)
"One Word Works," Impulse vol 16 no 1 (project)
1990"Project commissioned by Arts Magazine on the occasion of the relocation of their editorial and business offices from 23 East 26th Street to 561 Broadway, New York, 1989," Arts (January)
"Playing with Dolls," in The Critical Image: Essays on Contemporary Photography, ed. Carol Squiers (Seattle: Bay Press) 
Enlarged from the Catalogue: Michael Asher Writings 1973-1983 on Works 1969-1979 (The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Angeles,1983), (catalogue/project)
1989"Expertease," Artforum (April)
1988Enlarged from the Catalogue: The United States of America (Postmasters Gallery, catalogue/project)
"Interview: A Conversation Between," Flash Art (November/December)
"From the Pandemonium of the Studio to the Order of the Showroom: The Dangers of Tourism," New Observations (December) (project)
1987"Here and There," File Magazine 28 (project)          
"Thriller," Picture This (Buffalo: Hallwalls), (project)
"Legacies of Critical Practice," Discussions in Contemporary Art, ed. Hal Foster
(Seattle: Bay Press, New York: DIA Art Foundation)     
 "Out of Cold Blood," Afterimage (May)
"Proposals," LAICA Journal (Winter) (project)

"December 1984," Impulse (Summer)
"Discordant Views," Parachute (Fall)
"Discussion: Silvia Kolbowski and Jane Weinstock," m/f 11/12    
"Salvages of Femininity/Domestic Salves," Wedge 7/8 (Project)
"Feminism and Art and Psychoanalysis: Some Questions Regarding the Third Term," Parallelogramme vol 10, no 4
1984"Monumental Prop/portions," Wedge 3 (project)
"Representation's Reproduction," Wedge 5 (special editor/project)
"Di/vested Interests," ZG (Fall)
1983"Covering Mapplethorpe's Lady," Art in America (Summer)
"Virgin Territory: Gilbert and George's Modern Faith," Afterimage (November)
ghd sale

© 2025 Silvia Kolbowski