Silvia Kolbowski
176 pages, 49 color illustrations, 50 b/w illustrations
Authors: Rosalyn Deutsche, Mignon Nixon, Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Interview by Hal Foster
Secession 2004, ISBN 3-88375-894-9
Distribution: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König
(Catalogue of exhibition held at Secession, Vienna, 2004; Documents three projects "an inadequate history of conceptual art," "Like Looking Away," and "Proximity to Power," as well as several earlier projects; all texts in English and German.)

Available through:

an inadequate history of conceptual art
Catalogue of installation at l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art, April 15 - July 23, 2016, Galerie Colbert, salle Roberto Longhi, Paris. Curated by Johanne Lamoureux.

Includes interview by Johanne Lamoureux, English transcriptions all audio portions of project (only publication of complete set), and French translations of transcripts. With color images of video portion of the project. 

For copy, contact:

Hiroshima After Iraq: Three Studies in Art and War
Rosalyn Deutsche
Hardcover; 104 pages, 38 illustrations.
Columbia University Press, 2010
(Includes a chapter on "After Hiroshima Mon Amour.")

Available through:

Nothing and Everything
Silvia Kolbowski
Rien et Tout

Silvia Kolbowski and Michele Theriault
88 pages; 10 color illustrations; 12 B+W illustrations
Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University 2009
(Includes a 10 pg. conversation between Silvia Kolbowski and Michele Theriault; reprints in English (and translations in French) of "Inadequacy," by Rosalyn Deutsche and "After and Before," by Christopher Bedford.)

Available through:

Proximity to Power, American Style
Silvia Kolbowski
108 pages, 77 color illustrations.
Published by WhiteWalls, Chicago 2008
Distribution: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Anthony Elms
(A full transcription of the 2004 project, including all monologues and slide images)

Available through:

Silvia Kolbowski
Walid Raad

88 pages, 7 color illustrations,13 b/w illustrations
A.R.T. Press 2006, ISBN 0-923183-40-X
(Inadvertently situated during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in the summer of 2006, this epistolary dialogue between the two artists traces one artist's evacuation from Lebanon, and one artist's experience of the war through texts and images. Interwoven are discussions about aesthetic methodology, representations of war and its aftermath, and the psychical stakes of the politics of war and art.)

Available through:

Installation Art and the Practices of Archivalism
Installation Art and the Practices of Archivalism
Routledge, 2016
David Houston Jones, Associate Professor of 
French Literature and Visual Culture at the University of Exeter, UK
With an extensive analysis of After Hiroshima Mon Amour
in a chapter entitled 
"The Relational Archive: Silvia Kolbowski and Eija-Liisa Ahtila."

Available through:

The Artist as Public Intellectual?
Stephan Schmidt-Wulffen, Ed.
Paperback; 168 pages. 73 illustrations.
Publication of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna to document a symposium organized by the Secession, Vienna, and the Academy on the occasion of the exhibition inadequate…like…power: Silvia Kolbowski, at the Secession, 2004.
With contributions by Rosalyn Deutsche, Manthia Diawara, Andrea Geyer, Thomas Hirschhorn, Christian Höller, Silvia Kolbowski and Chantal Mouffe and an interview with Sabeth Buchmannw and Barbara Kruger

Available through:

an inadequate history of conceptual art
Silvia Kolbowski
36 pages, 11 color illustrations
Authors: Interview by Luiza Nader; excerpts from articles by Rosalyn Deutsche and Mignon Nixon
Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, 2007
[Both English and Polish versions were published.]

Available through:

Silvia Kolbowski
XI Projects

112 pages, 3 color illustrations, 117 b/w illustrations
Authors: Johanne Lamoureux, Lynne Tillman, Rainer Ganahl
Border Editions 1992, ISBN 0-9633328-0-5
(Documents work from 1987-1990; Lamoureux text in English and French)

Available through:

Clsed     Circuit
Soho     Chelsea/Fashion/Furniture/Food/Art

23 pages, 2 b/w illustrations, 1 color tipped-in plate
Silvia Kolbowski and Postmasters Gallery, 1997
Authors: Miwon Kwon and Silvia Kolbowski
(An email exchange between the artist and the historian, discussing the development of a project about the movement of art galleries from the New York neighborhood of Soho to Chelsea around the time of the publication. This artist's book accompanied an exhibition of the same name.)
(Read: Reinhold Martin text on Closed     Circuit, 1997)

Available through:

Women Artists at the Millenium
Edited by Carol Armstrong and Catherine de Zegherit
408 pages, fully illustratedit
MIT Press, 2006, Cambridge, ISBN 026201226X
(Contains the article: "The She-Fox: Transference and the 'Woman Artist,'" by Mignon Nixon, which includes an analysis of "an inadequate history of conceptual art," and "Like Looking Away," as well as of the artist Louise Bourgeois.)

Available through:

Enlarged from the Catalogue: The United States of America
40 pp. (16 transluscent); 5 color images
Silvia Kolbowski and Postmasters Gallery, 1988
(This book accompanied the exhibition, "Enlarged from the catalogue: The United States of America." It includes images and excerpted captions from a Metropolitan Museum catalogue of American wing holdings, and three additional text excerpts: a table of contents from an 1861 American slave narrative; the case of a Native American woman who sued her tribe over their patrilineal and preservationist property rules, and an excerpt from a Chinese grammar primer about the use of ungendered pronouns.)

Available through:

ghd sale

© 2025 Silvia Kolbowski